The Story Behind The Story™

Beyond When & Where

Understanding the How & Why

Every detail matters in the fast-paced logistics and supply chain management world. 

In the past, The industry relied on traditional GPS tracking to monitor fleet movements for years. 

But while this system effectively told us the ‘when’ and the ‘where’ of incidents, it left a significant gap in understanding the ‘how’ and the ‘why.’

 That’s where FleetCam stepped in.

Born in 2014 out of a vision by a dedicated management team, FleetCam recognized a need in the South African logistics landscape. With the primary focus of the business being fleet management and vehicle camera solutions, our journey began with an ambitious goal: To provide not just a snapshot but the entire sequence of events leading up to a particular incident or accident while giving our clients the ability to live stream any camera at any time.


Our slogan, “The Story Behind The Story™,” isn’t just a catchphrase – it encapsulates the heart of our solution. By integrating real-time cameras with GPS tracking and advanced telematics, FleetCam helped transform the face of fleet management. No longer were companies restricted to piecing together disjointed telemetry data. With FleetCam, they could witness the entire event, making sense of every incident in real-time.

But our vision went beyond mere visualization. The introduction of real-time cameras opened a realm of possibilities. Our clients can now reconstruct accidents, enhance driver accountability, and ensure improved behavior on the road. The result? Reduced insurance premiums, efficient claims management, and swift dispute resolutions with third parties.


In an industry where the smallest of incidents can lead to significant repercussions, FleetCam offers clarity. With our advanced onboard camera systems, live video, and incident streaming, we ensure that businesses don’t just get data – they get the story behind it.

Discover FleetCam. Discover The Story Behind The Story™

At FleetCam, we believe in constant innovation and tailoring solutions to suit our clients’ needs. “The Story Behind The Story™” is our commitment to filling in the gaps, providing complete transparency, and ensuring that the logistics and supply chain industries in South Africa move forward with confidence.